Otani Workshop 大谷工作室:When I Was Seventeen, I Learned About Giacometti..
27×20cm | 10.6×7.9インチ
「大学を卒業するまで陶芸作品を制作したことはありませんでした。彫刻を勉強していました。そのおかげで自分にできるあらゆる可能性を探求することができ、陶芸と出会うきっかけとなりました。」 – 大谷工房、別名大谷茂
大谷工房とは芸術家集団を指すのではなく、日本陶芸を代表する一人の傑出した彫刻家を指します。 文字通り膨らんだ静かな頭、祈る姿のように腕を上げた人物、上に伸びた記念碑的な中指、擬人化された花瓶、子供、動物、土、ブロンズ。大谷工房の動物寓話はそれ自体が一つの世界であり、夢と物語が一つの世界として収束する世界である。 空想や白昼夢だけでなく、女王様が想像する世界。
Published by Kaikai Kiki, 2019
Texts in English and Japanese
Hardcover, 176 pages
27 x 20 cm | 10.6 x 7.9 inches
"I didn’t create ceramic work until I graduated from university, I was studying sculpture, which allowed me to explore all the possibilities of what I could do, and it made me discover the ceramics.”– Shigeru Otani aka Otani Workshop
Otani Workshops’ 2016 solo show with Kaikai Kiki Gallery titled “When I Was Seventeen, I Learned About Giacometti from My Art Teacher and Became Drawn to Sculpture—and So I Make Sculptures Now,” examined the historical connection between ceramics and sculptures.
Otani Workshop does not refer to a collective of artists, but to a singular, an eminently singular sculptor who has become the leading representative of Japanese ceramics. Silent and literally bulging heads, figures with their arms raised like praying figures, monumental middle fingers extended upwards, anthropomorphic vases, children, animals, soils, bronzes: Otani Workshop’s bestiary is a world in itself, a world in which dreams and tales converge as well as fantasies and daydreams, a world in which the queenly imagination and the kingly gesture triumph, in which forces and forms meet.
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